Bishop James BAMWESA, Ph.D.
Son of MUKUPI MYANGO Joseph and Tabalile IGUNZI Jeanne
(all Congolese of the DRC),
born in Kamituga, DRC, on July 08, 1980,
Author of:
– Leadership and Management,
– Baptismal Manual,
– Deacon Training Manuals,
– True Church of God,
– Good Church Leadership,
With ISBN-10: 1499522231 ~ ISBN-13: 978149522235,
ISBN-10: 1499690924 ISBN-13: 978-1499690927 all are available on, Potter Publishing Co. and ADVOCARE Publish. USA
With Doctorate degree in Human Resource Management from the VEIU (2020), and Master’s degree in Human Resource Management from Madison International School of Business USA (2016), Bishop Doctor James BAMWESA, Ph.D. owns a bachelor in English and Bachelor in Sociology from the Independent University of Mwenga in the DRC (2013).
Bishop Dr. James BAMWESA, is diligently trained in:
– Christian Leadership at Vision International University-USA,
– Building a better response at Harvard Humanitarian Academy, USA
– Peace building by PHAP and ICVA, in Brussels, Belgium.
– Humanitarian Professional Leadership by Concern Wide World-USA.
– USAID data collection at Lubumbashi DR. Congo,
– EGRA, EGMA and SSME Evaluator by CENADEP in Lubumbashi DR. Congo,
– Data Collection by Chemonics International and Back to School International,
– Missiology by School of Missionaries of Burundi in Kizuka.
He is currently working as the East & Central Africa Regional Representative of Vision for Excellence International University, the Africa Coordinator of Agape Church and Ministries International, Lecturer at several academic institutions such Bethesda International School India, VEIU USA, ULM DR. Congo, Africa University DR. Congo, Rhema Bible College United Kingdom, Theophilus Bible Seminary University Nairobi Kenya etc.
Speaking ten languages including French, English, swahili, Kirundi, Kinyarwanda, lingala etc. Bishop James Bamwesa, Ph. D. can be reached through /