

VEI Université, est une institution scientifique qui répond aux souhaits des plusieurs étudiants qui parfois traversent des difficultés relatives avec l’obtention de visa pour étudier aux USA. VEI University, de part sa planification a projetée cette vision au niveau mondial pour faciliter l’étude A distance et obtenir les mêmes titres ou diplômes que les études classiques. Des facultés bien choisies et réponds aux besoins professionnels du moment. Bravo aux promoteurs, A l’administration et au corps professoral.
Messe Germain de Canada / Étudiant, Master en Finance Publique


The experience at vision for excellence international university was enriching in terms of technical skills and research training. Since my course was very much research driven, I have learned a lot of basics of research and development with the help of distinguish faculties at material research laboratory. The teaching style is very much impressive in the nanotechnology and material science for sure. The teachers have taken us through numerous research papers to give an insight nanotechnology. I would say VEIU has taught me a lot of technical skills and great references to get me into the prestigious UNILAK, from which I shaped my career as per my interest VEIU university proved to be a very well executed precursor in my career growth.
Uwineza Janvier
Student, Master’s- projects Management